En Thu, 22 Oct 2009 10:03:51 -0300, Bahadir Balban
<bilgehan.bal...@gmail.com> escribió:
On Thu, Oct 22, 2009 at 4:01 PM, Jean-Michel Pichavant
<jeanmic...@sequans.com> wrote:
Balban wrote:

Often, if I want to terminate the script prematurely, I press ctrl-c,
but I have to do this many times before I can kill the script for
good. I was wondering is there a way that I define a signal handler
and kill the whole thing at once with a single ctrl-c?

you may want to use subprocess instead of os.system.
On catching CTRL+C, you kill all the pid started with subprocess and exit
the script smoothly.

Hmm. OK, this is what I suspected I needed. So no explicit signal
catching is required I guess.

Note that KeyboardInterrupt (the exception generated by pressing ^C) may be catched (sometimes inadvertedly) if the code uses a bare 'except' clause, and then the program continues normally, effectively ignoring ^C.
The most generic 'except' clause should be, normally:
try: ...
except Exception: ...

Gabriel Genellina


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