This doesn't give me quite the results I expected, so I'll have to
take a closer look at my project as a whole tomorrow. The test cases
clearly show the need for all the fancy parsing I'm doing on the path

Looks like I'll return to this tomorrow and post an update as
appropriate. Thanks for the help so far!
Dan Guido

On Wed, Oct 21, 2009 at 5:34 PM, Terry Reedy <> wrote:
> Dan Guido wrote:
>> Hi Diez,
>> The source of the string literals is ConfigParser, so I can't just
>> mark them with an 'r'.
> Python string literals only exist in Python source code. Functions and
> methods only return *strings*, not literals.  If you mistakenly put the
> str() representation of a string (such as print gives you) into source code,
> rather than the repr() output, then you may have trouble.
> tjr
> --

Description: Binary data

Description: Binary data

Attachment: services.ini
Description: Binary data


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