En Sun, 18 Oct 2009 10:35:34 -0200, mattia <ger...@gmail.com> escribió:

Il Sat, 17 Oct 2009 10:02:27 -0400, Dave Angel ha scritto:
mattia wrote:
Il Fri, 16 Oct 2009 21:04:08 +0000, mattia ha scritto:

Another question (always py3). How can I print only the first number
after the comma of a division?
e.g. print(8/3) --> 2.66666666667
I just want 2.6 (or 2.66)

x = 8/3
s = "The answer is approx. {3:07.2f} after rounding".format(dummy0,
dummy1, dummy2, x)

will print out the following:

The answer is approx. 0002.67 after rounding

Yes, reading the doc I've come up with
s = "%(0)03.02f%(1)s done" % {"0": 100.0-100.0*(size/tot), "1": "%"}
but to it is not a good idea to use a dict here..

No need for a dict, you could use instead:

s = "%03.02f%s done" % (100.0-100.0*(size/tot), "%")

or (%% is the way to embed a single %):

s = "%03.02f%% done" % (100.0-100.0*(size/tot),)

or even:

s = "%03.02f%% done" % (100.0-100.0*(size/tot))

but the new str.format() originally suggested by Dave Angel is better:

s = "{0:03.02f}% done".format(100.0-100.0*(size/tot))

(BTW, why 03.02f? The output will always have at least 4 chars, so 03 doesn't mean anything... Maybe you want {0:06.2f} (three places before the decimal point, two after it, filled with 0's on the left)?)

Gabriel Genellina


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