I have been working on a Python implementation of a modified Tuple
Space (cf Linda, JavaSpaces) that contains only 3-tuples (triples),
and that has operators for copying and moving graphs of triples as
well as sets matching a given pattern. It's called Tripoli, and the
code for it can be found here:


More explanation of what it is and what it's meant to do can be found
in these three blog posts:

http://codepoetics.com/poetix/index.php?p=113 (this post includes some
sample code, that may clarify intended usage somewhat)

At present, a simple XML-RPC server is used to expose a "manifold" - a
collection of triple spaces - to multiple clients. I will be
supplementing this with something beefier, and more REST-ful, in due
course - probably based on Twisted.

This is code in the very earliest stages of testing and development -
I would very much welcome comments and suggestions from any intrepid
persons who fancy having a play around with it.


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