
Thanks for your reply,

I already use the wxPython to embbed my flash animation

from wxPython.lib.activexwrapper import MakeActiveXClass

ActiveXWrapper = MakeActiveXClass(flashActiveXLib.ShockwaveFlash, 
eventClass=None, eventObj=self)

Flash = ActiveXWrapper( self, -1, style=wxSUNKEN_BORDER)

It work fine and i can control my flash animation from Python without 

But the Wrapper need the flash.ock to be installed on the user system in 
order to work,
and i would like to make an executable application that include the 
flash.ocx or load it on startup for
users who doesn't have the flash player installed.
I would like also to be able to load a flash animation from memory and not 
to load it from external file.

Don't know if you understand me.. Take a look at 
http://www.flashplayercontrol.com/ .. I'd like such a solution for Python,
don't know if i can use that dll from Python or make a module myself..

Anyway, thank a lot for your interest


"Kartic" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a écrit dans le message 
> The Great 'Exeem' uttered these words on 4/29/2005 2:11 PM:
>> Hi All,
>> I'm trying to find a way to embbed the flash.ocx object in a Windows 
>> Python application,
>> I've successfully integrated a flash object with the ocx already 
>> installed on the system using the Activex Wrapper,
>> but i would like to embbed it inside my application in order to 
>> distribute my application without the need for the user to install the 
>> flash player.
>> It would like also to embbed the flash animation inside my application 
>> without loading it .. i mean directly from the memory.
>> I've seen that it was possible in C++ or in Delphi, using the 
>> http://www.flashplayercontrol.com/ .. but don't know how to make it in 
>> Python.
>> Any ideas are welcome
>> Dan.
> Dan,
> wxPython has the capability to embed Flash inside a wxPython panel. It 
> uses Macromedia's Flash ocx that is installed when installing flash player 
> on Windows. And it is pretty nifty; take a look at the demo.
> From your message, it is appears you are using win32gui functions but I am 
> unable to tell. So using Win32, I do not know how you can do what you are 
> trying. But yeah, look into wxPython!
> Please let me know if you need more assistance.
> Thanks,
> -Kartic 


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