kj wrote:
In <mailman.1196.1255347115.2807.python-l...@python.org> Dave Angel
<da...@ieee.org> writes:
[snippetty snip]
Why would you need a special hook when the os.walk() generator yields
exactly once per directory? So whatever work you do on the list of
files you get, you can then put the summary logic immediately after.
I think you're missing the point. The hook in question has to be
called *immediately after* all the subtrees that are rooted in
subdirectories contained in the current directory have been visited
by os.walk.
I'd love to see your "5 lines" for *that*.
So now that you've seen a couple examples, perhaps you noticed the flag
"topdown=False"? With that (un)set, I repeat the question -- why do you
need a hook?