Hello Guys
I am using python 2.6 on windows 7 and MySQLdb to make connections to the database.The issue here is that I am not able to insert from the python script to the database.When I run the same query in mysql query brower then the insert statement works .I am able to select from the database using the python script.The connection is fine.I am using Aptana to write the python script. I thought this could be a problem of the collation or character set problem the default character set of the system is cp1252 which corrosponds to latin_1 on mysql , I have chosen that and still no help. Any help is appreciated. this what the code looks like. db = MySQLdb.connect("localhost","root","juventus12","factoids",charset = "utf8", use_unicode = True ) cursor= db.cursor() # i added charset = "utf8", use_unicode = True just now and changed the character set of mysql still no help. cursor.execute("""INSERT INTO question_table (question_id,source_id,question) VALUES (5,1,"question")""") language, output_encoding = locale.getdefaultlocale() print output_encoding, language traceback C:\Python26\lib\site-packages\MySQLdb\__init__.py:34: DeprecationWarning: the sets module is deprecated from sets import ImmutableSet cp1252 en_US Thanks Aditya
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