cEd wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm wondering how to compile python to get good performance.
> Because when I compare this ugly code which find prime number:
> # prime_number.py
> start=30000
> for is_first in range(start):
>  found = 0
>  is_first+=1
>  for i in range (2, is_first):
>   if not (is_first%(i)):
>    found = 1
>    break
>  if not found:
>   print is_first
>  between :
>  - the python distributed with my ubuntu
> #time python prime_number.py > /dev/null
> real    0m12.237s
> user    0m12.129s
> sys    0m0.024s
>  - and the one compiled by my self
> time my_python_compiled prime_number.py > /dev/null
> real    0m42.193s
> user    0m41.891s
> sys    0m0.044s
> so which option should I give or which flag ???

I doubt that there is such a flag. There must be a different reason for
this. Can you give us the python versions for each, and architecture (32/64


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