As with most things, you have to understand 'why' you want to do something before you can really understand how it applies.
Ok. Go to amazon. They've setup a 'shopping cart'. That cart is made of variables, name, cred.card num, items, quantity of items, ship-to address, state, shipping cost, shipping type, tax (if applicable), etc. Ok. If you have a program and want this info, ok, you could set up variables for all of them. What if you now have 2 shopping carts? How do you double the variables? What if you now have 1000 shopping carts? How do you scale your programming so what works for 1 works for 1000? OOP allows you to create a 'structure' of the variables, and when someone enters their name in a field and hits, 'add to cart' , abstractly, you'll have a structure in your program like: User = ShoppingCartClass() Now, you defined User to be an object of ShoppingCartClass. Now, methods are pre-defined actions. You might have: .Checkout() .DeleteItem() .AddItem() and of course inside the parenthesis, you'd have relevent info. for the routine. So maybe you'd do: User = ShoppingCartClass() User.AddItem(sku=5) User.DeleteItem(sku=22) User.CheckOut(State='CT', CredCard='Visa', CredNum='1234-5678-8765-4321') So, there's the why. This just barely scratches the surface. hope I didn't confuse you. -Dave <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED] > Hey yall, > I'm new to Python and I love it. Now I can get most of the topics > covered with the Python tutorials I've read but the one thats just > stumping me is Object Orientation. I can't get the grasp of it. Does > anyone know of a good resource that could possibly put things in focus > for me? Thanks. > > -- > > --