En Tue, 06 Oct 2009 18:01:34 -0300, Joel Smith <js-pythonl...@jk1.net>
Gabriel Genellina wrote:
Note that you don't *have* to use partial in this case, as you're
building the suite yourself. Just create the TestCase instances
suite = unittest.TestSuite([
TestGenericWindow('testit', 'brown'),
TestGenericWindow('testit', 'blue'),
TestGenericWindow('testit', 'green')
Perfect! This is exactly what I needed. For some reason, I didn't
understand that I could construct my TestCase objects directly... I
thought that I had to allow the unittest framework to construct them for
me. This is straightforward, and does exactly what I need.
You're not alone :) The unittest design is rather convoluted, probably
because it aims to mimic the jUnit design as closely as possible, with all
its javaism and unpythonicity. I don't think one could understand how to
use the framework just by reading the package documentation; more
background info is needed. The "Dive into Python" book contains a chapter
on this topic.
Gabriel Genellina