
I want to store some fields in an sqlite database.

I use ezPyCrypto to encrypt and decrypt:

User = ['z684684', 'Mientki, Stef', 1,1,0,1,1 ]

encryption_key_1 = ezPyCrypto.key ( 512 )

SQL_Base = 'insert or replace into __USERS__ values ('
for field in User :
   SQL += ",'" + encryption_key_1.encString ( str ( item ))+ "'"
SQL += ')'

Now this fails, probably, because the second character of the encrypted string is a binary zero.

By trial and error, I found a work around,
but I'm not sure this will garantee that it will work always:
by converting the encrypted buffer with base64.encode:

   SQL += ",'" + base64.encodestring(EnCrypt_1 ( str ( item )))+ "'"

Will this method work always ?
Are there better methods ?

Stef Mientki


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