I have a problem in using interp from numpy for which i need 3 array.
my first array is
x = scipy.linspace(0.009,0.53,100)

and the other two array should be read from my file with 100x2 dimension
(file1_lines) but it is read as string instead of two columns

for line in file1_lines:
        line = line.split()
        xp = line[0]
        yp = line[1]
        y = scipy.interp(x,xp,yp)
if i code like this it takes only one value for xp and yp but 100 values for
x. i dont know what to do please help.

Padmapriya Sundrashekaran
Master Student
Life Science Informatics
University of Bonn.
  • hii padmapriya sekaran

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