Donn wrote:
Have a look at Cairo (python-cairo) in conjunction with librsvg (python-rsvg) -- that'll fix you up. You can go from an SVG to a PNG/array and thence into PIL if you need to.
Thanks for the tip. Got it work, although it was a bit tricky, as resizing doesn't seem to be supported by python-rsvg and cairo.ImageSurface.create_from_png doesn't allow StringIO or TemporaryFile for some reason (got Memory Error). So the code, if someone else needs it or someone can improve it:
def open_svg_as_image(fn, width, height): tmpfd, tmppath = tempfile.mkstemp(".png") tmpfile = os.fdopen(tmpfd,'w') file = StringIO.StringIO() svgsurface = cairo.SVGSurface (file, width, height) svgctx = cairo.Context(svgsurface) svg = rsvg.Handle(file=fn) svgwidth = svg.get_property('width') svgheight = svg.get_property('height') svgctx.scale(width/float(svgwidth),height/float(svgheight)) svg.render_cairo(svgctx) svgsurface.write_to_png(tmpfile) tmpfile.close() svgsurface.finish() tmpfile = open(tmppath, 'r') imgsurface = cairo.ImageSurface.create_from_png(tmpfile) imgwidth = imgsurface.get_width() imgheight = imgsurface.get_height() data = imgsurface.get_data() im = Image.frombuffer("RGBA",(imgwidth, imgheight), data ,"raw","RGBA",0,1) os.remove(tmppath) return im --