Mars creature wrote:
I can understand the point that global variables tends to mess up
Assume that I have 10 parameters need to pass to the function. If
these parameters are fixed, I can use another module to store these 10
parameters, and import to the module, as suggested by jean-michel. But
what if these 10 parameters will be changed in the main program?
Passing the variable to the function as a parameter suggested by Rami
will certainly do, but I am wondering weather there are other ways.
What you'd like to code it?
Thank you very much!
If we're just talking generalities, we can give you general advice.
Avoid globals like the plague. Except for constants, each global should
require a lot of justification to permit its use. There's no harm in
passing 10 parameters to a function. And if some of them are related to
each other, group them in a tuple, or an object. If two functions seem
to have a need to share data without passing it back and forth, they
probably belong in a class.
Most of the justifiable globals are already there in the standard
libraries, or at least a good analogy. For example, stdout is used by
print, wherever it occurs. Likewise you may want a global logging
object. These are things which act a lot like constants, even though
they have internal state.