En Tue, 22 Sep 2009 13:47:09 -0300, Wolodja Wentland
<wentl...@cl.uni-heidelberg.de> escribió:
On Tue, Sep 22, 2009 at 07:42 -0700, Aahz wrote:
>I want to:
> 1. Give administrators the freedom to install the data wherever
> want
> 2. Adhere to the FHS (installing data within modules breaks it)
> 3. Be able to find that data again regardless of the installation
> scheme used
>1 and 2 are easily solved... It was just not possible to find the data
>again. The snippet in the original code solves that.
Given your mention of FHS, it sounds like you are focused on Unix-like
systems, in which case why not rely on the standard mechanisms for
I do not intentionally focus on UNIX type systems, but I have grown up
with *nix and I rather follow one scheme than none at all. But the
proposed way works on Windows as well, although the users might find
previously unseen directories like 'PREFIX/share/foo/doc' and the like
on their system.
I think many Windows users would say WTF!? when seeing those directories -
and send cordial greetings to you, your parents and your whole family :)
Instead of ending with, e.g., a directory like c:\usr\share\foo\doc, your
program should ask the OS for the special folder CSIDL_COMMON_APPDATA and
add the foo\doc part. Or any other suitable standard folder. A directory
like c:\usr\share\foo on Windows is as ridiculous as /Documents\ and\
Settings/All\ Users/Application\ Data/foo on any unix like system.
As $DATA_PREFIX is only known at build time there was (until now) no
reliable way to find the data if the only information one can get is
$LIB_PREFIX, because these two might be totally unrelated.
You should probably raise this issue at the distutils-sig mailing list:
Gabriel Genellina