Hello, I want to read from a binary file called myaudio.dat Then I've tried the next code:
import struct name = "myaudio.dat" f = open(name,'rb') f.seek(0) chain = "< 4s 4s I 4s I 20s I I i 4s I 67s s 4s I" s = f.read(4*1+4*1+4*1+4*1+4*1+20*1+4*1+4*1+4*1+4*1+4*1+67*1+1+4*1+4*1) a = struct.unpack(chain, s) header = {'identifier' : a[0], 'cid' : a[1], 'clength' : a[2], 'hident' : a[3], 'hcid32' : a[4], 'hdate' : a[5], 'sampling' : a[6], 'length_B' : a[7], 'max_cA' : a[8], 'max_cA1' : a[9], 'identNOTE' : a[10], 'c2len' : a[11],} It produces: {'length_B': 150001, 'sampling': 50000, 'max_cA1': 'NOTE', 'hident': 'HEDR', 'c2len': "Normal Sustained Vowel 'A', Voice and Speech Lab., MEEI, Boston, MA", 'hdate': 'Jul 13 11:57:41 1994', 'identNOTE': 68, 'max_cA': -44076, 'cid': 'DS16', 'hcid32': 32, 'identifier': 'FORM', 'clength': 300126} So far when I run f.tell() >>f.tell() 136L The audio data length is 300126, now I need a clue to build an array with the audio data (The Chunk SDA_), would it possible with struct?, any help ? Thanks The file format is: Offset | Length | Type | Contents 0 4 character Identifier: "FORM" 4 4 character Chunk identifier: "DS16" 8 4 integer Chunk length 12 - - Chunk data Header 2 Offset Length Type Contents 0 4 character Identifier: "HEDR" or "HDR8" 4 4 integer Chunk length (32) 8 20 character Date, e.g. "May 26 23:57:43 1995" 28 4 integer Sampling rate 32 4 integer Data length (bytes) 36 2 unsigned integer Maximum absolute value for channel A: 0xFFFF if not defined 38 2 unsigned integer Maximum absolute value for channel A: 0xFFFF if not defined NOTE Chunk Offset Length Type Contents 0 4 character Identifier: "NOTE" 4 4 integer Chunk length 8 - character Comment string SDA_, SD_A or SDAB Chunk Offset Length Type Contents 0 4 character Identifier: "SDA_", "SD_B", or "SDAB" 4 4 integer Chunk length 8 - - Data
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