To demonstrate the problem I have written the following program: ___________________________________ Code Start ________________________________ import pickle
destruct=1 class PickleTest: library={} def __init__(self): self.unpickle() def __del__(self): if destruct: print "Pickling from destructor..." self.pickle() def unpickle(self): try: f=open("pickle.txt") self.library=pickle.load(f) f.close() print "Unpickled just fine" except: print "Error unpickling" self.library={u"A": 1, u"B": 2, u"C": 3} def pickle(self): f=open("pickle.txt","w") pickle.dump(self.library,f) f.close() print "Pickled just fine" if __name__=="__main__": pt=PickleTest() if not destruct: print "Pickling from __main__..." pt.pickle() ___________________________________ Code End ________________________________ Running the program with "pickle.txt" not created and destruct=1 generates the following output: Error unpickling Pickling from destructor... Exception exceptions.LookupError: 'unknown encoding: raw-unicode- escape' in <bound method PickleTest.__del__ of <__main__.PickleTest instance at 0xb7d3decc>> ignored If I now change destruct to 0 the output is: Error unpickling Pickling from __main__... Pickled just fine Even more odd is that with an existing "pickle.txt" and destruct set to 1 it seems to work correctly: Unpickled just fine Pickling from destructor... Pickled just fine I'm running Python 2.5.4 on Debian Sid. If anybody understands the error please enlighten me. Dan --