Dave Angel wrote:
Johan Grönqvist wrote:
DiZazzo skrev:
I would do something like this:
class Namespace(object):
... pass
n = Namespace()
n.f = 2
n.g = 4
print f
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
NameError: name 'f' is not defined
print n.f
I like this solution. This also minimizes the extra code if I would
want to explicitly delete the bindings, as I would only need one line
to delete the Namespace object.
Even simpler solution for most cases, use longer names. If the name
means something in the local context, and the next context is different,
you presumably will use a deliberately different name. In your earlier
example, if you called them row and column, you ought to notice if you
used row instead of column in the later "scope".
One thing people don't notice when they ask the compiler to catch all
these types of problems is that there are lots of things the compiler
can't check.
Well said. One of the things I *love* about Python is that it doesn't
try to do my programming for me. For the mistakes we inevitably make,
good test suites are incredibly useful.
Still, and just for fun, the following is at least mildly entertaining
(but then, I am easily amused :)
class micro_scope(object):
def __enter__(self):
return self
def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
if type is value is traceback is None:
with micro_scope() as m:
m.this = 'that'
m.value = 89
for m.i in range(10):
#exception raised here, as m.value no longer exists
Don't worry, Steven, I'll never actually use that! ;-)