On 2005-04-28, alexk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've a simple question. Why the following:
> words = "[EMAIL PROTECTED]@^%[wordA] [EMAIL PROTECTED]".split('[EMAIL 
> PROTECTED]&*()_+-=[]{},./')
> doesn't work?

But it does work.  Your input string (the one on the left) does
not contain the delimiter string you're passing to the split()
method.  The argument to split() is a delimiter string not a
set of delimter characters.

> The length of the result vector is 1.

Yup :)

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow!  This MUST be a good
                                  at               party -- My RIB CAGE is
                               visi.com            being painfully pressed up
                                                   against someone's MARTINI!!

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