r wrote:
Not that I agree that it would be a Utopia, whatever the language - more like
a nightmare of Orwellian proportions - because the language you get taught
first, moulds the way you think. And I know from personal experience that
there are concepts that can be succinctly expressed in one language, that
takes a lot of wordy handwaving to get across in another. So diversity would
be less, creativity would suffer due to lack of cross pollination, and
progress would slow or stop.
We already live in a Orwellian language nightmare. Have you seen much
change to the English language in your lifetime? i haven't. A language
must constantly evolve and trim the excess cruft that pollutes it. And
English has a mountain of cruft! After all our years on this planet i
think it's high time to perfect a simplified language for world-wide
/LOL/, /GTFW/. After /googling/ on /the web/ for some time, /AFAICT/
English still accumulates words such as /"wtf"/, /"rofl"/, or /"pwned"/.
/FYI/, language doesn't rot, /OTOH/ our brains do. /:)/
/CU/ /l8r/
Just my /$.02/