Someone Something wrote:
I"m trying to write an IRC bot just for fun (in python of course).
Here's my current code:
1 #!/usr/local/bin/python
2 import time
3 import socket
5 def message (x, channel,s):
6 y="PRIVMSG"+" "+ channel+" :"+x
7 s.send(y);
8 host=" <>";
9 port=6667;
10 size=1024;
11 channel="#dhaivatrocks";
12 s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM);
13 s.connect((host,port));
14 s.send("NICK PoincareBot");
15 s.send("USER PoincareBot 8 * : Paul Mutton");
16 time.sleep(5);
17 s.send("JOIN #dhaivatrocks");
18 s.send(PRIVMSG #dhaivatrocks :Hello everybody!
19 while True:
20 pass;
What I don't understand is that it doesn't display any messages or show
a new message login on my IRC client. What's wrong with my code?
You probably need to put some sort of line ending on what you send, eg
"\n" or "\r\n". Also, it's better to use 'sendall' insetad of 'send'.
BTW, you don't need to put a semicolon on the end of the lines.