On Wed, Sep 9, 2009 at 1:21 PM, Carl Banks<pavlovevide...@gmail.com> wrote: > On Sep 8, 10:47 pm, The Music Guy <music...@alphaios.net> wrote:
> What is get_other_base? Just use a regular super call here, > get_other_base and hacks like that are what gets you into trouble. > > You seem to be overthinking this. You don't need to. Just use super > () in MyMixin, and in all the other classes, consistently, and mind > the order of the bases. > > And if I were you I wouldn't keep making updates to a "current > example" because first you do questionable things define a > get_other_base method, then you try to apply my advice without > reverting to the original form you posted. Well of course you're > going to have issues if you do that. Instead, start from scratch, and > try to get a small example working, using your orginial post and my > original suggestion. Once that works then try to apply it to your > working example. > get_other_base() is supposed to return the other superclass (base) that is being used in conjunction with the current superclass. So if FooX inherits from MyMixin and BaseB, and get_other_base(self) is called from a method defined in MyMixin, BaseB is returned. In any case, that function is merely psuedocode, not an actual part of the implementation. Its purpose in my example was merely to show the effect I was trying to acheive. I used it because I'm having trouble understanding exactly how the super() function works; it always seems to do something I didn't expect, or not do something that I did expect. (I say this after having read the online documentation, btw.) Anyway, Ryles' last suggestion helped a lot. Thanks, Ryles. (And Carl and Scott, too, of course.) Here's the code I'm going with: def main(): basea = BaseA() baseb = BaseB() basec = BaseC() foox = FooX() fooy = FooY() fooz = FooZ() basea.method_x("I", "Am", "BaseA!"); print baseb.method_x("One", "Two", "Three"); print basec.method_x("Ay", "Bee", "See"); print print foox.method_x("I", "AM", "X") print fooy.method_x("ESTOY", "Y", "!") print fooz.method_x(100, 200, 300) class MyMixin(object): def method_x(self, a, b, c): super(MyMixin, self).method_x(a, b, c) print "MyMixin.method_x(%s, %s, %s, %s)" % (repr(self), repr(a), repr(b), repr(c)) class CommonBase(object): def method_x(self, a, b, c): print "CommonBase.method_x(%s, %s, %s, %s)" % (repr(self), repr(a), repr(b), repr(c)) class BaseA(CommonBase): def method_x(self, a, b, c): super(BaseA, self).method_x(a, b, c) print "BaseA.method_x(%s, %s, %s, %s)" % (repr(self), repr(a), repr(b), repr(c)) class BaseB(CommonBase): def method_x(self, a, b, c): super(BaseB, self).method_x(a, b, c) print "BaseB.method_x(%s, %s, %s, %s)" % (repr(self), repr(a), repr(b), repr(c)) class BaseC(CommonBase): pass class FooX(MyMixin, BaseA): def method_x(self, a, b, c): super(FooX, self).method_x(a, b, c) print "FooX.method_x(%s, %s, %s, %s)" % (repr(self), repr(a), repr(b), repr(c)) class FooY(MyMixin, BaseB): pass class FooZ(MyMixin, BaseC): def method_x(self, a, b, c): super(FooZ, self).method_x(a, b, c) print "FooZ.method_x(%s, %s, %s, %s)" % (repr(self), repr(a), repr(b), repr(c)) if __name__ == '__main__': main() Output: CommonBase.method_x(<__main__.BaseA object at 0xb7d0d42c>, 'I', 'Am', 'BaseA!') BaseA.method_x(<__main__.BaseA object at 0xb7d0d42c>, 'I', 'Am', 'BaseA!') CommonBase.method_x(<__main__.BaseB object at 0xb7d0d44c>, 'One', 'Two', 'Three') BaseB.method_x(<__main__.BaseB object at 0xb7d0d44c>, 'One', 'Two', 'Three') CommonBase.method_x(<__main__.BaseC object at 0xb7d0d46c>, 'Ay', 'Bee', 'See') CommonBase.method_x(<__main__.FooX object at 0xb7d0d48c>, 'I', 'AM', 'X') BaseA.method_x(<__main__.FooX object at 0xb7d0d48c>, 'I', 'AM', 'X') MyMixin.method_x(<__main__.FooX object at 0xb7d0d48c>, 'I', 'AM', 'X') FooX.method_x(<__main__.FooX object at 0xb7d0d48c>, 'I', 'AM', 'X') CommonBase.method_x(<__main__.FooY object at 0xb7d0d4ac>, 'ESTOY', 'Y', '!') BaseB.method_x(<__main__.FooY object at 0xb7d0d4ac>, 'ESTOY', 'Y', '!') MyMixin.method_x(<__main__.FooY object at 0xb7d0d4ac>, 'ESTOY', 'Y', '!') CommonBase.method_x(<__main__.FooZ object at 0xb7d0d4cc>, 100, 200, 300) MyMixin.method_x(<__main__.FooZ object at 0xb7d0d4cc>, 100, 200, 300) FooZ.method_x(<__main__.FooZ object at 0xb7d0d4cc>, 100, 200, 300) You may notice that MyMixin calls the super's method before doing anything of its own. This is intentional--MyMixin's job cannot be done correctly until the other bases have done their part. -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list