On Wed, 27 Apr 2005 20:56:07 -0500, John Hunter
>>>>>> "Charles" == Charles Krug <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>    Charles> List: I'm trying to us pylab to see what I'm doing with
>    Charles> some DSP algorithms, in case my posts about convolution
>    Charles> and ffts weren't giving it away.
>    Charles> I've been using pylab's plot function, but I'm finding it
>    Charles> a bit cumbersome.
>    Charles> It works, but if I switch from the interactive window to
>    Charles> the plot window and back, the plot window gets trashed.
>    Charles> Is there a better alternative for interactive use?
> You are probably not using pylab interactive mode properly.
> matplotlib has several GUI backends (gtk, tk, qt, etc...).  Most GUIs
> take control with their mainloop and prevent further interaction.
>>From what you describe, I'm pretty sure you haven't setup your
> configuration properly for interactive use.  Fortunately, there are a
> couple of solutions.
> For the standard python shell, you need to use the TkAgg backend.
> Tkinter is the only python GUI that plays nicely with the standard
> python shell.  You will need to set "backend : TkAgg" and 
> "interactive : True" in the matplotlib rc file.  See
> http://matplotlib.sf.net/interactive.html for details and
> http://matplotlib.sf.net/.matplotlibrc for information on the
> configuration file.

Those are already set.  I'm taking a look at ipython now.


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