"Laurent Luce" <laurentluc...@yahoo.com> wrote in message
I am trying to do the following:
- read list of folders in a specific directory: os.listdir() - some
folders have Japanese characters
- post list of folders as xml to a web server: I used content-type
'text/xml' and I use '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>' to start the
xml data.
- on the server side (Django), I get the data using post_data and I use
minidom.parseString() to parse it. I get an exception because of the
following in the xml for one of the folder name:
'/ufffdX/ufffd^/ufffd[/ufffdg /ufffd/ufffd/ufffdj/ufffd/ufffd/ufffd['
The weird thing is that I see 5 bytes for each unicode character: ie:
Should I format the data differently inside the xml so minidom is happy ?
You aren't seeing 5 bytes for each unicode character. You are seeing
'\ufffd' (the code point REPLACEMENT_CHARACTER) intermixed with other
characters. The wrong encoding was probably used to decode the filename
byte strings to Unicode.
We can give more specific help if you specify your operating system and
version of Python used.