I am trying to get used to the new print() syntax prior to installing
python 3.1:

test=[["VG", "Virgin Islands, British"],["VI", "Virgin Islands, U.S."],
["WF", "Wallis and Futuna"],["EH", "Western Sahara"],["YE", "Yemen"],
["ZM", "Zambia"],["ZW", "Zimbabwe"],]

#old print

for z in test:
  if z[0].startswith('W'):
     print z[0] ,  z[1]


# new print()
# now a list would have to be printed like this to be equal to old
print ?

for z in test:
  if z[0].startswith('W'):
     print('%s %s') % (z[0] ,  z[1])


# this output prints the brackets etc. too, not what we want

for z in test:
 if z[0].startswith('W'):
    print(z[0] , z[1])


on python 2.6 I get following output:

WF Wallis and Futuna

WF Wallis and Futuna

('WF', 'Wallis and Futuna')

Before actually installing python 3.1 my question is if the py2to3
converter also considers this situation ?


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