On Sep 4, 12:55 am, Manuel Graune <manuel.gra...@koeln.de> wrote: (snip)
> How come the main()-idiom is not "the standard way" of writing a > python-program (like e.g. in C)? Why use a nested function when you already *in* main? thats like declaring variables when your compiler could just use some simple logic... '2.7' -> string because wrapped in quotes 2 -> integer because is in set{0123456789} && no quotes! 1.23 -> because all digits && has a period ...or using "{" and "}" instead of INDENT and DEDENT. Python removes the unnecessary cruft and redundancy that is C, and puts the burden on your machine! http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0020/ > And in addition: Can someone please explain why the first version > is so much slower? leave that one for someone else... -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list