Grant Edwards <inva...@invalid> writes:
> On 2009-09-03, Ben Finney <> wrote:
> > Tim Chase <> writes:
> > >
> > > Any editor worth its salt will offer indentation-based folding (I know
> > > vim does, and I would be astonished if emacs didn't.
> >
> > Emacs calls that ???hide/show???, and the ???hs-minor-mode??? can
> > be enabled for any buffer (and can thus of course be automatically
> > enabled on defined conditions, e.g. whenever a Python buffer is
> > detected).
> >
> > Learn more at <URL:>.
> There's only one problem: it doesn't work out-of-the-box.  At
> least it never has for me.  The only thing it knows how to hide
> is the entire body of a function definition.  I never want to
> do that.  What I want to do is hide/unhide the blocks within
> if/then/else or loops so that the control flow is clearer.
> Emacs hs-minor-mode won't do that (at least not for me).

Hm. I wasn't aware of hs-minor-mode. But I've often used
set-selective-display (C-x $), which hides all lines that are indented
more than ARG columns (and un-hides them if you don't give an argument).

But to fulfill the specific request of moving up to the top of a given
block, there's also a `python-beginning-of-block' command in
python-mode (bound to C-c C-u). If you set the mark (C-SPC) before you
do python-beginning-of-block, then you can use `C-x C-x' or `C-u SPC'
to jump back where you were.

Don't be afraid to ask (Lf.((Lx.xx) (Lr.f(rr)))).

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