Steven D'Aprano wrote:

I have read more that one person advocating
leaving one's wi-fi base open for anyone to use as the 'neighborly'
thing to do.

That's a different kettle of fish. You don't do anybody any harm by paying for Internet access for your neighbours (and anyone driving down the street with a laptop and wi-fi).

Unless the 'neighbor' is your friendly local spam or malware merchant ;-)

The rationale I have seen is this: if one leaves the wi-fi router open and illegal activity is conducted thru it, and there is no residual evidence on the hard drives of on-premises machines, then one may claim that it must have been someone else. On the other hand, if the router is properly closed, then it will be hard to argue that someone hacked trough it.

There are, of course, flaws in this argument, and I take it as evidence of intention to conduct illegal activity, whether properly so or not.



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