Here's my script code:

*Shouldn't that bug be patched already  :-?
Are you giving it the contents of the file when it's actually expecting
the filename?

Of course the content of the file:
See? *backup_obj.add(read_obj.read())*
In previous pasted Traceback you can see *backup_obj.add(read_bin_obj)* - read_obj_bin was a reference to the *read_obj.read()* .

The documentation lists the methods "add" and "addfile". Pick one and
provide the values it's expecting. For example, if you choose "add" then
provide the filename, not the contents of the file.

Do only I have this problem or Python programming under Windows is nightmare?

It's only a nightmare if you don't follow the documentation. :-)

Hahah right. My fault. Must remember to read documentation so many times until I find the solution. Thanks, now works fine. :-)

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