>>>>> Dave Angel <da...@ieee.org> (DA) wrote:

>DA> Dennis Lee Bieber wrote:
>>> On Sun, 23 Aug 2009 22:14:17 -0700, John Nagle <na...@animats.com>
>>> declaimed the following in gmane.comp.python.general:
>>>> Multiple Python processes can run concurrently, but each process
>>>> has a copy of the entire Python system, so the memory and cache footprints 
>>>> are
>>>> far larger than for multiple threads.
>>> One would think a smart enough OS would be able to share the
>>> executable (interpreter) code, and only create a new stack/heap
>>> allocation for data.
>DA> That's what fork is all about.  (See os.fork(), available on most
>DA> Unix/Linux)  The two processes start out sharing their state, and only the
>DA> things subsequently written need separate swap space.

But os.fork() is not available on Windows. And I guess refcounts et al.
will soon destroy the sharing.
Piet van Oostrum <p...@cs.uu.nl>
URL: http://pietvanoostrum.com [PGP 8DAE142BE17999C4]
Private email: p...@vanoostrum.org

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