On 2005-04-26, dcrespo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Aparently, none of you has tried wxPython recently or properly.

Not so.  I'm using it currently and have been using it for a
couple years now.

> wxPython is a cross-platform toolkit. Currently supported platforms are
> 32-bit Microsoft Windows, most Unix or unix-like systems, and Macintosh
> OS X. Certainly, there may be Linux distributions where it doesn't run
> well...

I've no idea where that idea came from.  It runs just fine on
all the Linux distro's I've tried it on.

>> The PyGTK is a better choice if you are writing for Linux and
>> want your application to also be able to run on windows.
> I want exactly the opossite: my apps must be developed for
> running primarly under Windows but also be able to run on
> Linux.
> So, tell me PyGTK (with or without Glade/w XML output) or
> entirely Python code through wxPython? Truely, what's the best
> for CROSS-platform for both Linux and Windows? Not just for
> Linux or just for Windows, but for both.

Why don't you try them?  I've only used PyGTK under Linux, so I
can't vouche for it under Windows.  Under Linux it worked fine
for me.  I've used wxPython under Linux and deployed on
Windows.  Worked fine for me.

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow!  If this is the DATING
                                  at               GAME I want to know your
                               visi.com            FAVORITE PLANET! Do I get
                                                   th' MICROWAVE MOPED?

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