kj wrote:

Sometimes I want to split a string into lines, preserving the
end-of-line markers.  In Perl this is really easy to do, by splitting
on the beginning-of-line anchor:

  @lines = split /^/, $string;

But I can't figure out how to do the same thing with Python.  E.g.:

import re
re.split('^', 'spam\nham\neggs\n')


re.split('(?m)^', 'spam\nham\neggs\n')


bol_re = re.compile('^', re.M)


Am I doing something wrong?


As you probably noticed from the other responses: No, you can't split on _and_ keep the splitby text.

Looks like you'll have to roll your own.

def splitat(text, sep):
    result = [line + sep for line in text.split(sep)]
    if result[-1] == sep:  # either remove extra element
    else:                   # or extra sep from last element
        result[-1] = result[-1][:-len(sep)]
    return result

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