Douglas Alan wrote:
On Aug 11, 2:00 pm, Steven D'Aprano <st...@remove-this-> wrote:

test.cpp:1:1: warning: unknown escape sequence '\y'
Isn't that a warning, not a fatal error? So what does temp contain?

My "Annotated C++ Reference Manual" is packed, and surprisingly in
Stroustrup's Third Edition, there is no mention of the issue in the
entire 1,000 pages. But Microsoft to the rescue:

     If you want a backslash character to appear within a string,
     you must type two backslashes (\\)


The question of what any specific C++ does if you ignore the warning
is irrelevant, as such behavior in C++ is almost *always* undefined.
Hence the warning.

Almost always undefined?  Whereas with Python, and some memorization or 
a small table/list nearby, you can easily *know* what you will get.
Mind you, I'm not really vested in how Python *should* handle 
backslashes one way or the other, but I am glad it has rules that it 
follows for consitent results, and I don't have to break out a byte-code 
editor to find out what's in my string literal.

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