En Mon, 10 Aug 2009 11:48:31 -0300, IronyOfLife <mydevfor...@gmail.com>

Why different results in IIS and appweb? [...]
This is fairly easy to explain. When I configured IIS to execute
python scripts, as per the documentation I pass two command line
arguments. Appweb works this way. It opens up a new command process
and in the function parameter for environment it sets only SYSTEMROOT.
It does not set the PATH variable (A BUG IN APPWEB which I have passed
on to them. They have not commented or provided any work around) for
Windows platform.

Perhaps you could configure appweb to call a .bat file like this, instead
of directly invoking python?

set path=%path%;other;directories;added
c:\path\to\python.exe %*

(this is slightly off topic now...)

You were mentioning about .local file or manifest file to specify the
path. I used the python's build command to build the wrapper. Is there
a way to mention in setup.py to generate the .manifest file? I wold
very much appreciate if you can help me with that.

I will also look for answers for how to modify setup.py to generate
manifest file or .local file etc..

The last part is easy: foo.exe.local is just an empty file in the same
directory as foo.exe - when it exists, DLLs are searched first on the
directory containing the application [1]

With manifest files I can't help. I suggest you create a new thread with
that question, perhaps in the distutils-SIG mailing list [2]

[1] http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms682600(VS.85).aspx
[2] http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/distutils-sig

Gabriel Genellina


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