On 8/5/2009 10:56 AM, nn wrote:
On Aug 5, 7:13 am, Marcus Wanner <marc...@cox.net> wrote:On 8/4/2009 6:09 PM, MRAB wrote:>>> parts = [(5, 9, "a"), (7, 10, "b"), (3, 6, "c"), (15, 20, "d"), (18, 23, "e")] >>> parts.sort() >>> parts [(3, 6, 'c'), (5, 9, 'a'), (7, 10, 'b'), (15, 20, 'd'), (18, 23, 'e')] >>> # Merge overlapping intervals. >>> pos = 1 >>> while pos < len(parts): # Merge the pair in parts[pos - 1 : pos + 1] if they overlap. p, q = parts[pos - 1 : pos + 1] if p[1] >= q[0]: parts[pos - 1 : pos + 1] = [(p[0], max(p[1], q[1]), p[2] + "." + q[2])] else: # They don't overlap, so try the next pair. pos += 1 >>> parts [(3, 10, 'c.a.b'), (15, 23, 'd.e')]That's the best solution I've seen so far. It even has input/output formatted as close as is reasonably possible to the format specified. As we would say in googlecode, +1. MarcusHow does it compare to this one? http://groups.google.com/group/comp.lang.python/browse_frm/thread/1a1d2ed9d05d11d0/56684b795fc527cc#56684b795fc527cc
That is a different problem, and the solution is more complex. I am not going to try to judge which is better. Marcus -- print ''.join([chr(((ord(z)+(ord("I'M/THE"[3])+sum( [ord(x)for x in 'CRYPTOR'])))%(4*ord('8')+ord( ' ')))) for z in ''.join(([(('\xca\x10\x03\t'+ '\x01\xff\xe6\xbe\x0c\r\x06\x12\x17\xee\xbe'+ '\x10\x03\x06\x12\r\x0c\xdf\xbe\x12\x11\x13'+ '\xe8')[13*2-y]) for y in range(int(6.5*4)+1)] ))]) -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list