Jay Bird schrieb:
Hi everyone,

I've been trying to figure out a simple algorithm on how to combine a
list of parts that have 1D locations that overlap into a non-
overlapping list.  For example, here would be my input:

part name   location
a                  5-9
b                  7-10
c                  3-6
d                  15-20
e                  18-23

And here is what I need for an output:
part name   location
c.a.b            3-10
d.e               15-23

Suppose you have your data given as a dictionary:

data = {'a':(5,9),

Then the following not particularly elegant
but very simple and straight forward
algorithm will solve your problem:

def values(key):
    return set(range(data[key][0], data[key][1]+1))

keys = list(data.keys())
result = []
while keys:
    k = [keys[0]]
    keys = keys[1:]
    v = values(k[0])
    for l in keys[:]:
        if v.intersection(values(l)):

# print(result) ## if you like

for k, v in result:
    print(".".join(sorted(k)), "%d-%d" % (min(v), max(v)))


I've tried various methods, which all fail.  Does anyone have an idea
how to do this?

Thank you very much!

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