On Tuesday 04 August 2009 06:09:05 koranthala wrote:
> Hi,
>    I am creating a very minimal application (a networking app).
>    I have written the application using Twisted.
>    Now, I need to put a GUI wrapper on the application.
>    The application needs a login screen and also it needs to be
> minimized to system tray. If I right click the image on system tray, I
> should be able to close it.
>    It uses some legacy code, so the whole app is written in Python
> 2.4. Also, my company requires that I use permissive licenses (no GPL
> - MIT, BSD, LGPL etc ok)
>    Which GUI framework is best for this? I tried using Tkinter, but it
> does not support minimize to system tray (or I couldnt find it).

look at iconify, and at withdraw

- Hendrik

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