Hi there,

Relevant versions: Python 2.5, Vista Home, IE7

I am trying to scrape a website I have browsed manually in the past,
and also manually selected my options, and now want python to use my
existing cookie from the manual browse when downloading data.

Using: http://code.activestate.com/recipes/80443/ I have found the
"name" of the relevant cookie, just after reading urllib2 docs, I
can't see how to "send" or have my python instance use "MY" existing

Using the following:

import re
import urllib2, cookielib

# set things up for cookies

opener = urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor())

reply = urllib2.urlopen('foo.html').read()

print reply


This does return data, just default data, not the data from the
options I set up when manually browsing.

My sense is that I need "something" in the () part of
HTTPCookieProcessor() but I have no idea as to what... the docs say
"cookiejar" but the only code examples I have found are to create a
cookiejar for the existing Python session, not to use the cookies from
my prior manual meanderings.

Any help greatly appreciated.

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