this is a pre-release announcement, 0.6pre2, of the pyjamas widget set and python-to-javascript compiler. there are over 110 entries in the CHANGELOG since the last stable release, 0.5p1, and so it was deemed sensible to invite people to test this version before its next stable release, 0.6.
pyjamas, being a port of GWT to python, comprises four main components: * a stand-alone python-to-javascript compiler * a desktop-based wrapper around python-xpcom or pywebkitgtk * a browser "DOM" model wrapper interface * a widget set similar to pygtk2 / pyqt4, based on DOM manipulation significantly in the 0.6 series, pyjamas-desktop has been incorporated into the build: "python" will start a stand-alone app (just as you would with pygtk2 or pyqt4) and "pyjsbuild Hello" will compile the javascript version(s). the combination means that pyjamas can run python applications - unmodified - in all major web browsers, or on the desktop (using gecko or webkit) in a similar fashion to adobe AIR. in the javascript version: somewhere along the line, a massive performance hit was introduced by accident. this has now been fixed. however, random desperate attempts to improve performance, before the mistake was corrected, mean that the pyjamas 0.6pre2 python-to-javascript compiler produces code that is stunningly quick. also in the 0.6pre2 release, "strict" python options have now been introduced, so that developers can expect much more support for the standard python 2.5 / 2.6 language semantics. the "-O" option disables many of these features, bringing a quite significant speed increase, by sacrificing python compatibility. that's just the way it has to be. downloads can be found by following the links from - sourceforge,, pypi, all the usual places. lastly - thank you to everyone who's helped with pyjamas: bernd, bernd, jurgen, christian, kees, ondrej and many more, and especially thank you to the people who helped out by pointing out bugs in the 0.6pre1 release, please keep it up! l. --