I also coded for more than 3 years and eventually I got that I was not
coding but writting poems in perl... Even after 3 months, I go back
and check my hand written code, I had to think twice about the logic
Now its pretty much systematic which incode dcoumentation and
programming structure.

Rest both are blessed by open source...


On 4/24/05, Miguel Manso <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi, list.
> I'm into a psicological doubt that I would like to share with you
> (you'll know why later on this mail).
> I'm a programmer with 5 year of experience into Perl. I'm on that point
> where you resolve problems without thinking on HOW you'll do it with
> that language but only on the problem itself.
> Since Perl 6 started I've been following it. The conclusion I have is
> they're making a whole new language and I'll have to learn it. This
> being said and, since I've to learn a new language, I've started
> thinking in a new language. I've noticed Python is getting more and more
> developers and many projects are being made.
> I've tryed to use python some times but I get frustrated very quick. I
> get myself many times needing to figure out how to loop through a list,
> declare an associative array, checking how to pass named parameters to
> functions, and simple things like that.
> What I would like to know is if anyone had these problems and if you can
> share that experience with me. I'm trying to minimize my "frustration" :)
> Thanks a lot.
> --
> Miguel Manso <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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> --
> http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list

Thanks and Regards,

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