On Thu, 23 Jul 2009 12:52:15 +0530, <amr...@iisermohali.ac.in> wrote:


I have two large files:

15 ALA H = 8.05 N = 119.31 CA = 52.18 HA = 4.52 C =
21 ALA H = 7.66 N = 123.58 CA = 54.33 HA = C = 179.35
23 ALA H = 8.78 N =  CA =  HA = C = 179.93.................


21 ALA  helix (helix_alpha, helix2)
23 ALA  helix (helix_alpha, helix3)
38 ALA  helix (helix_alpha, helix3)...........

now what i want that i will make another file in which i will join the two
file in such a way that only matching entries will come like here 21 and
23 ALA is in both files, so the output will be something like:-

21 ALA H = 7.66 N = 123.58 CA = 54.33 HA = C = 179.35| 21 ALA  helix
(helix_alpha, helix2)
23 ALA H = 8.78 N =  CA =  HA = C = 179.93|23 ALA  helix (helix_alpha,

and further i will make another file in which i will be able to put those
lines form this file based on the missing atom value, like for 21 ALA HA
is not defined so i will put it another file based on its HA missing value
similarly i will put 23 ALA on another file based on its missing N,CA and
HA value.

I tried to join the two file based on their matching entries by:---


I believe there are packages available for doing such things mostly written in perl. But if the aim is not to develop suitable applications but only to obtain the desired formatted file then doing this with the help of something like Excel would be easiest. This is my opinion from the experience I have from my bioinfo programming.


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