There is probably a better way to do this (please enlighten me, if you know), but what I want to do is get a list of a class' attributes minus whatever the 'builtin' methods are. I would also like to do this for instances of classes as well. I don't want to use __dict__ because I want to get all of the attributes that have been added throughout the inheritance tree, just not the builtin ones.
I was wondering if there is a function to return a list of these, so I could perform a 'dir' on the object (class or instance) and filter out the builtin attributes. I know I could create my own list something like ['__class__', '__delattr__', ..., '__weakref__'] and use that. I would see this being fragile to Python version differences as new ones are added or taken away. A more flexible way is to have the list be filled out dynamically by creating a 'junk' class that inherits only from object and storing it's dir() output into the filter list. This is probably what I'll do unless someone knows of a builtin function that will give me a (version-safe) list. Thanks! --