hello all,
This is a real challenge and I don't know if a solution even exists for
this or not.

I am writing an application which I run as my usual user on ubuntu.
the usernake is let's say kk and it has sudo permission (meaning the
user is in the sudoers list ).

now when i do python myscript.py, the script has to change to another
non-privileged user for some tasks.
let's say for example switch to the postgres user which is dedicated for
postgres and has no other privileges.

I have tryed doing os.setuid(112) where 112 could be the uid of the user
I want the script to swith over.

but I got opperation not permitted.

I tryed using subprocess but that did not help me either.  I tryed sudo
su into the Popen command but it throws me into the terminal (shell)
with postgres as the user.

But that's now my desired result.
what I exactly want is that the script now continues to execute under
postgres user till the end.

I don't know how to achieve this iffect.

Infact I will need this during a serious deployment because i would have
my application run as a demon as a dedicated user.

I am finding some code for deamonising a python application but don't
know how to tell the script to change user.

happy hacking.


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