ChrisW wrote:

I have installed 2 versions of python on my Windows XP computer - I
originally had 3.0.1, but then found that the MySQL module only
supported 2.*, so I've now installed that.  I have found that if I
change the Windows Environment Variable path, then I can change the
version of python called when I type 'python' into a command line.
However, I'd like to be able to choose which version I use.  I know
that if I change C:\Python26\python.exe to
C:\Python26\python2.exe and C:\Python30\python.exe to C:
\Python26\python3.exe, then typing 'python2' or 'python3' will invoke
the correct interpreter.  However, is it safe just to rename the
executable files? Is there a more elegant way to achieve the same
I wouldn't rename them.  You can, of course, copy them (so you have two
executables), or you can pick a somedir on your path (I made a directory
"C:\cmds" that I add to my path, but tastes vary).

C:> copy con <somedir>\py25.cmd
C:\Python25\python\python.exe %*
C:> copy con <somedir>\py31.cmd
C:\Python31\python\python.exe %*

I'd use the two-digit form, as that is where interface changes
happen; trying code with py24, py25, py26 can be convenient.
By the way, install Python 3.1 rather than 3.0; think of 3.0 as the
alpha of the 3.X branches (it will get no love at all now that 3.1
is out).

--Scott David Daniels

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