Hi,... I meant to write an application where there is a button in a window and when you click on the button, it will open a new window, but I want the first window to close, replaced by the second window. I open a login window and start the mainloop, when the user click on the login button, the __call__ function of VerifyProcessor is executed and it will call the new window which is the file manager window The thing is,.. I don't know how to exit the first mainloop and then display the second window...I even tried calling the mainloop again but a weird thing happens. I really need help because otherwise I'm stuck here and I can't complete my assignment. The following is my code:
from login import LoginMenu app = LoginMenu() app.master.title("Login Menu") app.master.maxsize(300,200) app.mainloop() ====================================== class LoginMenu(Frame): def createWidgets(self): self.loginButton = Button(self, text='Login', command = VerifyProcessor(self.x, self.y, self.msg, self.messageLabel) ) def __init__(self, master=None): Frame.__init__(self, master) self.grid(column=6, row=4) self.createWidgets() class VerifyProcessor: def __init__(self, thename, thepass, msg, msglabel): self.username = thename self.password = thepass self.msgVar = msg self.msgLabel = msglabel def __call__(self): import md5 import dictionaryloader found = 0 theDict = dictionaryloader.loadFrom("Dicttxt") entries = theDict.items() for theuser, thepass in entries: if self.username.get() == theuser and md5.new(self.password.get()).hexdigest() == thepass: found=1 from mainmenu import FileManager app2 = FileManager(self.username.get()) app2.master.title("File Manager") app2.master.maxsize("400,1500") app2.mainloop() ===================================================================== class FileManager(Frame): def createWidgets(self, username): ... def __init__(self, username, master=None): Frame.__init__(self, master) self.grid(column=6, row=6) self.createWidgets(username) ====================================================================== -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list