I never managed to link my python extensions (mingw .a) with python and
broke down and bought Visual/C++ as it is the compiler used by Python.

Yet some people seem to have managed:



Jack Diederich wrote:

> On Sat, Apr 23, 2005 at 05:13:29PM -0300, Andr? Roberge wrote:
>> I tried to install Ming
>> (http://sourceforge.net/projects/ming/)
>> on Windows to use with Python *but*
>> I can't [/don't know how to] use "make" to install it.
>> Does anyone know where I could find a ready-made compiled
>> version for Windows to just "put in" my site-packages directory.
>> Any help would be appreciated.
> Ming seems to be abandoded/unsupported.  Use groups.google.com to
> find some hints on how to install it.  I've done it on linux, but
> never tried on windows (why would I?) and replied with some
> suggestions last time it came up on c.l.py
> -jackdied


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