Does anyone know of any decent documenation on Mark Hammond's win32all modules? I have tried looking at the documentation .chm file that comes with it, Python Programming On Win32 (OReilly book) and ActiveState's documentation and have found them all lacking -- yes I need it broken down to me.
What I am hoping to do is to work on some Python versions of PSTools. I think the win32 modules will be perfect for helping me do this, however, I am having a (more than it should be) difficult time making sense of the win32process module.
I usually first refer to MSDN for the win32 API and other functions. If some definitions are not clear and also to make sure that the Python version of the function call corresponds to the C function, I refer to Activestate's Win23all documentation.
Typically what I do is import win32process, dir(win32process), pick out a function and google it; the first couple of matches are usually the MSDN documentation for that function. The left bar on the MSDN page lists all the functions in the process API, so you can get click happy and read away.
HTH, -Kartic --