[Michael Hoffman]

> >I started to read the postings on this list and was dismayed at the
> >depth of rudeness on here.

> I saw no evidence of rudeness whatsoever. [...]

It may be related to cultural differences, who knows.  Some people are
sensible to rude behaviour or language, while others just do not notice:
I might guess they grew and learned to live in such environments.

As seen from here, the Python mailing list quality has been degrading
significantly for the last half-year or so.  It is a bit unavoidable as
Python gains popularity and attracts people of all obediences.

One helping attitude, for everybody, would be to remember that we have
readers from everywhere on this planet, and that softness and politeness
is probably a good common denominator for people to be happy on the
average.  If you happen to live in a harsh country, best is to become
conscious of the difference, and try to respect others.

Do you remember those years when Tim Peters was our effective softening
device?  The list was then one of the nicest place one can be.  After
a few polite replies, abusive people were generally ignored by all
members, and even institutional flamers were getting discouraged by the
lack of fuel, eventually leaving for elswehere.  Nice times indeed! :-).

François Pinard   http://pinard.progiciels-bpi.ca

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