In <h30e3t$> kj <> writes:
>I had not realized how *profoundly* different the meaning of the >"=" in Python's > spam = ham >is from the "=" in its > spam[3] = ham[3] To clarify, this comes from my reading of Fredrik Lundh's pages "Python Objects" ( and "Call By Object" ( (Thanks to Chris Rebert for the pointer!) In the first one of these pages, Lundh writes: [START OF LENGTHY QUOTE] Assignment statements modify namespaces, not objects. In other words, name = 10 means that you're adding the name 'name' to your local namespace, and making it refer to an integer object containing the value 10. If the name is already present, the assignment replaces the original name: name = 10 name = 20 means that you're first adding the name 'name' to the local namespace, and making it refer to an integer object containing the value 10. You're then replacing the name, making it point to an integer object containing the value 20. The original '10' object isn't affected by this operation, and it doesn't care. In contrast, if you do: name = [] name.append(1) you're first adding the name 'name' to the local namespace, making it refer to an empty list object. This modifies the namespace. You're then calling a method on that object, telling it to append an integer object to itself. This modifies the content of the list object, but it doesn't touch the namespace, and it doesn't touch the integer object. Things like name.attr and name[index] are just syntactic sugar for method calls. The first corresponds to __setattr__/__getattr__, the second to __setitem__/__getitem__ (depending on which side of the assignment they appear). [END OF LENGTHY QUOTE] Therefore, extending just a bit beyond Lundh's explanation, if we did: name = [] name.append(1) name[0] = 3 ...the second assignment would amount to a method call on the object called 'name', an operation of a very different nature (according to Lundh) from the first assignment, which is a modification of a namespace. In the second one of these pages, Lundh makes a very similar point (third post from the bottom). But note that Lundh appears to be contradicting himself somewhat when he writes "Assignment statements modify namespaces, not objects." If by "assignment statements" he means ones consisting of a left operand, a "=", and a right operand, then according to the rest of what he writes on this subject, this assertion applies only to *some* assignment statements, namely those of the form <identifier> = <expression> and not to those like, for example, <identifier>[<expression>] = <expression> or <identifier>.<identifier> = <expression> The former are syntatic sugar for certain namespace modifications that leave objects unchanged. The latter are syntactic sugar for certain object-modifying method calls that leave namespaces unchanged. At least this is how I interpret what Lundh writes. kj --