Dear all, I have file as follows,however, tab seperated (not shown in following file):
6 3 4.309726 7 65 93.377388 8 47 50.111952 9 270 253.045923 10 184 182.684670 11 76 121.853455 12 85 136.283470 13 114 145.910662 14 45 80.703013 15 44 47.154646 16 41 66.461339 17 16 33.819488 18 127 136.105455 19 70 88.798681 20 29 61.297823 I wanted to sort column 2 in assending order and I read whole file in array "data" and did the following: data.sort(key = lambda fields:(fields[2])) I have sorted column 2, however I want to count the numbers in the column 2. i.e. I want to know, for example, how many repeates of say '3' (first row, 2nd column in above data) are there in column 2. I could write seperate programme to get the result.s. However, is there any way to count the numbers there itself while sorting in column 2 ? Thanking you in advance, -- Dhananjay